Author Archives: Natasha Boskic

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons: Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion

While there are a variety of potential communication and collaboration spaces available via the Internet, for this module, we would like you to restrict yourself to working with those we have set up for your use in this course, directly in LMS. Both Moodle and BlackBoard Learn have some quite sophisticated tools built into their interface, making it possible to set up all manner of communications, ranging from internal mail to threaded discussions, to weblog-like forums and wiki-like collaborative writing spaces. As well, and as importantly, LMS provides some tools to help organize the flow of information within the course site as well as track the usage of tools. Both of these characteristics can be quite important for student management and basic information management (for students and teachers).

Take some time to explore the various communication tools within your selected LMS. You can find help resources in both platforms that will provide you with information on how to set up different kinds of communication. Do pay particular attention to some of the peer assessment tools that are now built into discussion forum options. The presence of such tools indicates that LMS developers are paying attention to how peer interaction can be supported within these communication tools.

In your group, complete the tables about benefits and drawback of synchronous and asynchronous communication. Start with adding only one benefit and one drawback of each, allowing other group members to add their own. If all members have done their part, you may add more.

This activity is not graded, but it is required. It will help you decide on your communication strategies for the Assignment #2: LMS Introductory Module. You will also reflect on it in your post on Assignment #2.

Due Sunday, February 14th 2016.

Review the other groups’ work and post your comments here. You don’t need to create a post, just write a comment if you have something to add to your group’s Pros and Cons, or you have a feedback for another group. These comments are optional.

Maple group

Oak group

Aspen group


Assignments and Tasks

The successful completion of ETEC 565A requires you to demonstrate educational development process, educational technology competence, and critical thinking skills. Your performance in the course will be based on the completion of assignments, work on your course in LMS, and reflecting on your assignments in your ePortfolio. Each component constitutes an important aspect of learning technology selection, design and application.

Not all components of your ePortfolio receive a score, but they are all mandatory. You will also receive summative qualitative feedback for each assignment: those that have a mark associated with them will also be quantitatively assessed. At the end of the course I will assess your final assignment and your synthesis reflection. Shortly after the conclusion of the course I will release your final assignment score—and overall course grade—via Connect‘s My Grades tool.

For each assignment or task, please see the detailed description and instructions under Introduction: Course Orientation/Overall Assessment.

Distribution of grades

Assignment and tasks
Flight path not graded
Assignment #1: Online delivery platform evaluation rubric 15
Synchronous and asynchronous communication – wiki not graded
Assignment #2: Intro module 25
Assignment #3: Content module, including a digital story 35
Assignment #4: Synthesis 10
Participation 15
Total 100