Tag Archives: Online Delivery Platform Evaluation Rubric

Reflection on Group 4, UMP

I could relate to the specific need of the UMP through the other course I am currently taking, ETEC 533. There, our assignment last week was to upload video group projects to a system called CLAS, and we then had the option to annotate others’ videos or place or comments on the Connect discussion page. I chose the former option, and this is the first time I’ve done this, so I could picture what was required of an LMS for these medical students and faculty.

I would describe my role as “managing editor”, writing the précis, trying to coordinate who would do what and making most of the final editing decisions, but not really adding any of the ‘meat’ to the rubric. As I explained to the group, I’ve always taken more of a submissive role on MET group projects, but since this is my last semester before graduating, I thought I would try to lead for a change. I think the results were great; everyone contributed and effectively brought in different skills from their varied backgrounds. Kate brought a lot of enthusiasm and common-sense; Mo brought us crucial insider knowledge from working in the field and put the rubric together as a PDF; Nidal brought a lot of technical expertise, and Mark had the work experience and know-how most closely linked to our specific task.