Teacher Information

Deadline for teacher registration is WEDNESDAY December 1st 2021

The Lessons Ecology and Evolution FUNdamentals (LEEF) program with Let’s Talk Science  UBC recruits graduate student and postdoc volunteers to present approximately one-hour ecology and/or evolution lessons to local Kindergarten to Grade 12 students.

This program runs from October to May and brings together teachers and researchers for science outreach to classrooms. Teachers will be paired with students based on the preferred grade level of the student volunteer and common topics of interest. The student will carry out lesson planning and preparation with support from the teacher on topic selection and logistics.

Student volunteers will come to the classroom to deliver the lesson. Alternatively, the lesson can take place outside on or near the school grounds or the student volunteer can join your class on a field trip. If a LEEF volunteer joins you on a field trip to the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, you are eligible for a 25% discount on entrance fees or a highly recommended Beaty Box Rental.

Please note that because we are a volunteer program that are dependent on our graduate volunteers offering free classroom visits, we cannot guarantee that you will be paired with a graduate student/postdoc due to availability, numbers, and time commitment from our volunteers. Regardless, the coordinators of LEEF will do our best to make sure every teacher has a LEEF volunteer paired up with their schedule.

The approximate timeline for 2021/2022 program delivery is:

  1. October – November: Registration
  2. December/January: Student-teacher pairing (done by LEEF Coordinators)
  3. January/February: Support student volunteer in lesson topic selection and planning
  4. February – May: Lesson delivery

Feedback from teachers that have participated with LEEF:

“Our presenter did a great job! They had prepared a detailed and age-appropriate Powerpoint presentation and they gave the students lots of time to ask their questions.”

“I loved how the presenter and I interacted before the presentation so we could work together and plan a really fulfilling lesson for the kids. It flowed so well with all the work we were doing”

“A wonderful presenter – they knew so much and had so much to share. Very well prepared. Very open to all questions. Very enthusiastic.”

“The program is wonderful. I have participated in this program three times now and every year I am impressed by the amount of preparation the UBC presenters put into creating interactive and interesting activities. The students respond so well to an actual scientist. I have also appreciated having female scientists share their areas of study. Thank you!!”

Visit the registration page and fill out the form for teachers
to sign your class up!