There’s a New Yogurt in Town

– the new way to say yogurt

I was first introduced to IÖGO through their commercials on TV. However, I never thought too much about this new brand until I found it sitting on the shelves of my fridge today. I was pleasantly surprised at its natural taste and immediately went on  IÖGO’s website to learn more about the brand. Without surprise,  IÖGO’s yogurts are made without gelatin, artificial colours or flavours.

Created by Ultima Foods (with over 40 years of experience in the yogurt industry in Canada), IÖGO products are 100% Canadian. As a Canadian, the affective component of attitude will definitely cause me to gravitate towards this brand during my future visits to the grocery store.

Though people of all genders and ages consume yogurt, there is evidence of demographic segmentation (specifically age segmentation) in  IÖGO’s seven product lines. For example, IÖGO Nano is made primarily for children; it include fresh cheeses in cups and drinkable yogurts in mini-bottles with a spill-proof cap. This Canadian Grocer’s blog states that Iögo Nano was consumer tested; Ultima asked its employees to have their own children sample the Nano products and more than 200 kids aged 3 to 10 were involved in the test. In regards to research methods, this group of kids would be the sample. Company officials stated that 84% of the sample group approved of the product.

With over 40 different flavours, Ultima Foods is definitely keeping up with innovation. In response to customers’ concerns for the environment, Ultima Foods states that cardboard packagings recyclable as are the drinkable yogurt bottles and containers.

Without a doubt, Ultima Foods has made it clear that IÖGO is here to stay.