Author Archives: Giaan

Week I – A Bit About Me

Hey, I’m Giaan and I’m a second-year psychology major. Some notable things about me are that I have two cats, Luna and Kiko, whom I would literally kill for and that I love sewing. Kiko is the older-grumpy-man cat and Luna is the crazy-hyper-wide-eyed kitten who likes to claw your feet off. Sewing became a hobby for me after I took a home economics class in eighth grade where I discovered that not only did I really enjoy it but, to brag a little, I was also fairly decent at it. This led me to actually pick it up as a hobby and interest due to my already existing love for clothes and since then I’ve sewn things like shorts, jeans, and a traditional Indian lehenga, although I can’t guarantee you it was good. Speaking of clothes, I am also in the midst of expanding my silly sock collection so if you know of any suppliers, hook me up; I take socks very seriously. Although I love studying the brain, I still find myself favouring the most mind-numbing tasks possible like scrolling on my phone all day so admittedly I’m not the biggest reader. Having said that, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be and that’s exactly what drives me to this class.

Having taken RMST 201 and thoroughly enjoying it, I knew exactly how heavily this course relied on reading different forms of literature and how much I didn’t mind it. For most of my life, I never really found myself being able to immerse myself in the stories I was reading. Maybe it was my choice of books or maybe it was my attention-span issues. The very few times I have been able to get drawn in and invested in some form of text have only made me want to experience it more.For me, it’s a very different experience than being invested in a movie or show, two things I have always found myself favouring. Pushing myself into taking classes that could possibly ignite a new hobby or passion for me while also fulfilling my literature requirement only sounds like a win to me. My main take-aways from Wednesdays lecture were that I am extremely excited for this term to start and that more people need to admit they thought this class was about love because, embarrassingly enough, when I registered for RMST 201, I sure did.

Thank you for reading my blog and feel free to comment!