Hello World!
We are Group 23!
Group Introductions
Hi, my name is Emily and I am a student specializing in sustainable food systems and the rapid urbanization in the Asia-Pacific region in the Global Resource Systems program. I’m very interested in ways to alleviating global poverty, the human migration crisis, sustainability and all components that make up the food system.
Hey there! I am Jacqueline, a third year general Food, Nutrition and Health major. I love food in all different capacities, from growing it in my backyard, cooking with and for the community, promoting a sustainable food system, and the best part – eating cuisines from all different cultures. I also love promoting healthy living, including working out in the gym or going on hikes to enjoy beautiful B.C. with friends and family.
My name is Beverly. I am a third year student majoring in Food Marketing Analysis. I am highly interested in the business aspect of food such as food branding, consumer trends and data analysis. I believe these play a very important role in terms of society’s decision making on what food to consume and promoting healthy eating.
My name is Crystal. My major is general Food, Nutrition, and Health. I am interested in food nutrients and how they contribute or related to human health.
Hi! I am Yan, and major in nutritional science. I am interested in nutritional aspects of food, cuisines from different cultures and aspects to build up a healthy diet.
My name is Rain and I am a 4th year Food Science student. I’m very interested in Food safety, engineering, microbiology involving in different kinds of food analysis, which are used to ensure the food we consumed is safe, healthy, nutritious.
(from left to right: Emily, Jacqueline, Beverly, Yan, Crystal, Rain)
Group Values
Our group interests include alleviating poverty, building community connections, being involved in all aspects of the food system. From LFS 250, we learned much about growing our food together and now we are hoping to learn much more about what to do with that food in our local community. We all love to meet different kinds of people and get everyone involved in their communities as well. We hope to build new relationships and improve access to affordable, sustainable, nutritious, culturally diverse and delicious food for everyone in the community.
Our project objectives is to survey and evaluate community kitchens in an assigned geological neighbourhood, We hope to hear the stories of people in that community and help them achieve their goals using their assets. We want to use their recommendations to improve the usage and quality of their community kitchen. We would like to gain experience applying our knowledge outside of the classroom and gainTh valuable communication, observation and teamwork skills. Working with the City of Vancouver and applying the Vancouver Food Strategy, we hope to utilize the data we collect to find out the actual needs of the community and plan appropriate improvements.
Progress to date
We just met with our Community Partner, Sarah, and she talked us through our project and things we may or may not expect to see. This is very related to the TED Talk video as we need to go in with an open mind and listen to what the members of the community have to say regarding improving their kitchens, rather than us bringing in our own ideas and pointing out their problems. Sarah emphasized on the need of listening and respecting their wishes and differences in culture that we may not understand. We need to understand that people come from all different backgrounds and experiences, so we must build up the relationship between us and the community kitchen before we can help them.