We are looking for volunteers to assist with a panel discussion on Friday, October 17th at the UBC Longhouse.
- The afternoon panel discussion will be from 12:30-2:30pm
The purpose of the event is to educate and stimulate critical reflection on past food-related injustices in IRS and find ways to promote living together in a civilized and respectful society.
Volunteer specifics:
– Three volunteers will need to be available in the morning at ~10:30am for food preparation and stay until ~3:00pm.
– Other volunteers will need to be at the Longhouse by 11:30am and stay until ~3:00pm. Tasks will involve general set-up of the venue (seats, tables), welcoming guests as they arrive, and clean-up of food areas following the reception.
Email Gail Hammond (gail.hammond@ubc.ca) indicating if you are interested in volunteering for:
Afternoon event: morning food prep crew (a FoodSafe I certificate is desirable, but not essential)
Afternoon event: set-up, welcome and clean-up crew