External review of UBC-Vancouver Library


To:        All faculty, librarians, staff, and students – UBC Vancouver Campus

From:    David H. Farrar, Provost and Vice President Academic

Copy:    Cynthia Mathieson, Provost and Vice-Principal, UBC Okanagan Campus (for distribution at UBC Okanagan Campus

Re:         External Review of the UBC Vancouver Library

Date:     September 22, 2014

I am arranging for an external review of the UBC Vancouver Library. As is standard practice for reviews of academic units, the Library External Review is being carried out to also assist the University as it considers the reappointment of Ingrid Parent as University Librarian.  The terms of reference for the review can be found at http://vpacademic.ubc.ca/.

The members of the review team are:

  • Larry P. Alford, Chief Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries
  • C. Colleen Cook, Trenholme  Dean of Libraries, McGill University
  • Thomas Leonard, Kenneth and Dorothy Hill University Librarian, UC Berkeley

The review team will visit UBC on November 17, 18, and 19, 2014.  Meetings will be held with librarians, faculty members, staff, students, senior administrators, and other individuals and groups that may interact with the Library.  Dr. Herbert Rosengarten, the Review Coordinator, will organize the onsite meetings of the review team.  Before the reviewers’ arrival on campus, they will receive documentation on all aspects of the Library’s operation, including its facilities and resources for learning and research, administrative structure and organization, and internal and external linkages.  Their findings, in the form of a report to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, will be of value to the senior administration, the University Librarian and her colleagues, and the University community as a whole.

I invite and encourage all members of the University to provide written comments relevant to the matters under review. Please forward your comments to the review coordinator, Dr. Herbert Rosengarten, at hjr@exchange.ubc.caYour comments will be held in strict confidence, and Dr. Rosengarten will arrange for them to be forwarded to the members of the review team.  The deadline for receipt of comments is Thursday, November 13, 2014.  Please ensure your comments are identified by name and affiliation.

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