IHHS courses are now SPPH – starting 2015W

Wondering where all of those IHHS (Interprofessional Health and Human Service) courses went for 2015 Winter?!

The School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) now offers several of the IHHS courses previously offered by the College of Health Disciplines. They are open to all undergraduate students and qualify for the Interprofessional Passport Program.

SPPH 200 – Social determinants of health (formerly IHHS 200) 

SPPH 300 – Working in International Health (formerly IHHS 300)

SPPH 302 – Health Informatics (formerly IHHS 302)

SPPH 406 – Aging from an Interprofessional perspective (formerly IHHS 406)

SPPH 410 – Designing health interventions (formerly IHHS 410)

SPPH 411 – Violence across the lifespan (formerly IHHS 411)

For descriptions, schedules and syllabi, click on the course on our website here.   You can save these courses to your worklist or register for them here.

We have increased the number of sections of 200 from 2 to 3 sections, and the number of sections of 406 to 2 from 1 to meet the demand we have witnessed in past years.

We will be offering the following IHHS courses in the future, but they are not ready at this time:

404 – First Nations Health: Historical and Contemporary Issues

408 — Topics in Aboriginal Health: Community Based Learning Experience

409 – International Indigenous Experiences of Colonization

For more information, contact Carrie Hunter.

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