Funded MSc and PhD Projects in the Food Systems PRISM Lab at UBC – Okanagan: 2017-18

Dr. Nathan Pelletier at the Food Systems PRISM Lab at UBC – Okanagan is advertising a variety of funded MSc and PhD research projects in the area of life cycle-based food system sustainability measurement and management. Projects begin January, May or September 2018 respectively. Application deadline to the UBCO College of Graduate Studies is June 2 for January admission, October 1 for May admission and January 31 for September admission. Prospective students are advised to correspond with Dr. Pelletier well in advance of this date in order to discuss their candidacy. If you are interested, check out the research projects listed below, and see the attached file for more info!

MSc Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Net Zero Energy Housing Technology for the Canadian Egg Industry (2 years @ $20,000 annually)

MSc Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Net Energy Requirements and GHG emissions for the Supply and Use of Irrigation Water in the Okanagan Valley, Canada (2 years @ $20,000 annually)

MSc Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Nitrogen Efficiency Strategies for the Canadian Egg Industry (2 years @ $20,000 annually)

MSc Project: Design of the Canadian Agri-food Life Cycle Data Centre (2 years @ $20,000 annually)

PhD Project: Data uncertainty and quality management protocols for agri-food life cycle assessment research (4 years @ $25,000 annually)

PhD Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Energy and Waste Valorization Options for Canadian Egg Supply Chains

PhD Project: Development of a Sustainable Poultry Feed Formulation Decision Support Tool

PhD Project: Life Cycle Sustainability Measurement and Management Program for Canadian Egg Producers

Attachment: UBC Okanagan Food Systems PRISM Lab_Funded graduate student project postings 2017-2018



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