The MFRE speaker series is part of the professional development program and is designed to show a glimpse into the complexities of ‘real world’ food and resource economics issues. The next featured speaker, Nick Brusatore, is a known design expert in the commercial production of plants using vertical growing technology to fully automate and accommodate low cost production with high level of quality. Mr. Brusatore has been Chairman of the Applied Research Board at The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and nominated for the award of excellence in Canada Agriculture. Nick was the initial funder and founder of Affinor Growers and Vertical Designs and the current holder of two global vertical farming patents. He is currently funding a state of the art facility under construction for Cannabis on his property in Abbotsford BC.
Event Details: Friday, November 2, 2018 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm in MacMillan Room 160