ANTH 220 – First Nations BC

Looking for a course that is oriented to real world issues?  Consider ANTH 220 First Nations BC.

Recent court decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada underscores the importance of a solid understanding of First Nations issues, peoples, and practices.  Major energy projects such Enbridge Northern Gateway of Kinder Morgan’s TransCanada pipeline must take into consideration aboriginal rights and title- but most people living in BC and Canada really don’t understand what that means.  These court decisions have come as a major surprise to many people.  Fact is though issues around First Nations’ ownership, rights, and title are and will be critical to the economic development of BC and Canada.

First Nations BC (ANTH 220) provides a basic introduction to the first peoples of British Columbia, their resources and their economies. Topics covered include: an overview of the people and the place; the involvement of aboriginal peoples in the industrial economy, and; the processes of decolonialization. Students planning careers in education, natural resource management, health care, or social science research are encouraged to enroll.

This is a course that provides a critical contemporary primer to key issues facing economic and social development in BC and the ways that First Nations are at the center of these issues.

If you have any questions about the course feel free to contact me.  If you’re up for the journey and what to learn about something that will have a real world impact enroll in the course today!

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1 Response to ANTH 220 – First Nations BC

  1. menzies says:

    You can find more course details on the web page: ANTH 220

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