October Food Drive – LFSUS and AMS Food Bank

Feeling thankful and want to give back? LFS|US and AMS Food Bank are collaborating to host a Food Drive from Oct 20-31! All proceeds will go towards the AMS Food Bank. We will be giving away small prizes in recognition of your generous donations. Looking for a volunteering opportunity? Keep reading!

  • Wednesday Night Dinners on October 22 & Oct 29: If you donate 5 non-perishable items or more, you will receive a free dinner from LFS|US, OR a complementary LFS re-useable bag.
  • BZZR Garden on Oct 30: If you donate 1 non-perishable item or more, you will receive a free stein!

We will also be having office hours at our LFS|US Office during the two weeks. If you donate 5 non-perishable items or more, you will be able to receive a LFS bag! We have a limited quantity, so don’t wait!

Tues: 12-5 pm
Wed: 9-5 pm
Thurs: 11- 5 pm
Fri: 9-4pm

The AMS Food Bank is an emergency food relief service available for all UBC students with a valid UBC card. We offer a variety of non-perishable items, monthly fresh foods nights, and resources for additional support on and off campus. Our office is located in the basement of the SUB, room 42U, and clients can drop in any time during office hours (posted on our website), or they can make an appointment by emailing foodbank@ams.ubc.ca.

Suggested Donations: Pasta and canned proteins (beans, fish, etc). rice, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, and pasta sauces are extremely popular at the AMS Food Bank, but would greatly appreciate anything that is unopened or undamaged!

Why are we doing this?

The AMS Food Bank is primarily sustained by generous donations from individual students, campus groups, and fundraising. We offer support to a variety of students – many of whom have families and children. Donations allow us to strengthen our service and offer more balanced and nutritious options to improve the quality of life of those in our campus community.

We are trying to raise awareness about food security on campus, and let students know that the AMS Food Bank is a service that they can access if needed. We are also looking for volunteers for future events that the AMS Food Bank will be hosting, like their Composting Party and their annual Christmas Hampers. We will have a sign up sheet at our Wednesday Night Dinners if you would like to be on the mailing list!

You can also drop off your items at the LFS Dean’s Office before October 31, and we will pass along the donations to the LFSUS.

Questions? Email lfsus.vpexternal@landfood.ubc.ca.

About ethanYVR

Ethan is the Web Communications Coordinator for the Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS).
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