Mission ImPULSEible Student Food Product Development Competition – register by Feb 13

It’s that time of year again –  Pulse Canada is in full swing preparing for the Mission ImPULSEible Student Food Product Development Competition. Post-secondary students from all programs can participate. Attached are the criteria and overview in the PDF.

As a background to the competition, the United Nations has declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. The world will be coming together to celebrate and recognize pulses for their contribution to global nutrition today and into the future. The 2015 mission for students, is to create an innovative food product (prototype) to help present pulses to the world and build awareness of the 2016 International Year . Products should be “chef inspired”, convenient to eat and must showcase one or more Canadian pulses (chickpeas, beans, dry peas, lentils.)
The preliminary timeline is below and we are flexible if the dates need to be adjusted to fit the semester. We are also reaching out to other schools across Canada, and we’ll be having regional competitions for each of the provinces involved.

Student registration: February 13th
Submission of work: March 2nd
Live presentation with product: March or April (depending on availability of space/best timing for schools)

Provincial/regional prizes:
1st place: $1,000
2nd place: $ 500
3rd place: $250

National prizes + travel to Calgary to present at the Pulse and Special Crops Convention in June 2015.
For more information:  contact  Dr Scaman – christine.scaman@ubc.ca

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