FarmFolk CityFolk’s BC Seed Security Program

FarmFolk CityFolk’s BC Seed Security Program is focused around helping organic farmers scale up production of high-quality organic vegetable seed. In addition to running a number of training and outreach programs they have developed a suite of resources to provide organic farmers more information on integrating seed production into their farming operations. These resources include:

  • Case studies on procuring seed contracts
  • Seed enterprise budgets to better understand the economics of seed production
  • Guidelines on quality assurance measures for seed production
  • Vegetable variety trials

The BC and Canadian government have proudly awarded The BC Seed Security Program up to $100,000 over the next 2 years through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership! This funding is crucial and very well received in order to allow programming continue. Lana Popham, B.C.’s Minister of Agriculture says “Seeds may be small, but nothing is more important to agriculture than the life they contain. Seeds are the beginning of so much of our food supply and are absolutely critical to our personal health and the food security of our province. That’s why I am so proud to announce new funding to help diversify and increase seed production and processing in the province, supporting 15 seed businesses and 50 Seedy Saturdays, as well as the creation of resources and tools that promote seed growing, exchanges and 20 seed libraries throughout B.C.”

Local seed production is so important in sustainable food systems and this program aims to increase the quantity, quality, and diversity of organic seed being grown in BC. Local seed production helps support the local farming economy; results in better-adapted crop varieties for BC farms; and reduces our reliance on imported seeds. BC has an optimal climate for the production of many types of vegetable seed crops and could be an important producer of organic vegetable seed to supply the continually growing organic farming sector in BC and across North America. To learn more about programming contact Chris Thoreau, BC Seed Security Program Coordinator at

For more information please visit:


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