UBC Library is partnering with UBC Library Vault, Rare Books & Special Collections and the UBC Bookstore for Word on the Street – an annual day-long event celebrating the diversity, quality and originality of writing and publishing in BC.
The event will be held on Sunday, Sept. 26 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Library Square in downtown Vancouver.
Our goal is to raise awareness of UBC Library, the UBC Library Vault, Rare Books & Special Collections and the Robson Reading Series, and promote all that they have to offer to the greater Vancouver community.
This year UBC Library is sponsoring author Charles Campbell, who will appear in the Authors Tent to read from The Maquinna Line, the lost novel from Norma Macmillan.
The UBC Library Vault and the Robson Reading Series are also participating in the Treasure Hunt – the first 250 participants get a free gift!
Last year’s event was a great success – more than 170 new community members joined UBC Library that day.
So come out, see what we have to offer and celebrate BC publishing!