Dear users – UBC Library is proud to present Summon, your new one-stop search tool.

Summon provides fast, relevance-ranked results on any topic from UBC Library’s collections in a single search. It will let you search the full range of UBC Library’s vast holdings – including books, journals, articles, newspapers, government publications, maps, data, conference proceedings, course materials and more – all in one place.

You can view our collections of e-books, e-journals, databases, indexes and open access resources. The records of cIRcle – UBC’s Information Repository – and the Library’s digital image collections are also available for your research needs.

And last but not least, Summon is speedy. Just give it a try and find out for yourself.

The launch of Summon underlines a key goal of UBC’s strategic plan: “Enhance and integrate access to print and digital collections to make them easier to find.”  Our new discovery tool will make your search efforts quicker and better. And we hope you agree – please let us know what you think by sending comments and questions to

You can find more information on Summon here.

Happy searching!

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Library





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