Giustini, Dean.  A  collections project to determine the top 100 or so new print Canadian medical books (2005-2010) for purchase in health libraries.,_2005_-_2010

(Kathy Hornby):  Aleksejuniene, J., von Bergmann, H., and Hornby, K. Cultivating Evidence Based Practice in Undergraduate Dental Education.  Funded by the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund 2011/2012.   



Guistini, Dean.  “Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries.”  CARL/ABRL is the sponsoring agency.

Janke, R. (Co-investigator). Expanding the Evidence for New Graduate Transition Best Practices.  Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, $150,000 (funding period November 2010 – May 2012).  Co-Principal Investigators Kathy Rush & Monica Adamack.

Teresa Lee has collaborated with faculty members and a post-graduate resident in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences on a study evaluating the quality and usability of common drug databases. Their article was published in the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy.



Ann Doyle. Focus Groups: Aboriginal graduate students. University of British Columbia. UBC Library information systems for finding Indigenous resources. (Oct 5, 2009; Oct 8, 2000)


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