Clubs shopping!

Did everyone go to the AMS Clubs Fair? That was so exciting! I think I may be developing a shopping addiction; as Victoria mentioned, I joined a billion clubs and am feeling so much better for it.

The way for me to overcome my apathy, apparently, is to have so much to do that clubs and activities eat up my procrastination time and I work really hard whenever I have free time.

I’m not going to say exactly how many clubs I’ve joined as everyone is telling me that I am doing too much, that I should drop some, and that I am crazy. As this is what a lot of people told me in high school — interestingly, my high school friends are mostly resigned to these facts now — I am not particularly concerned (although it does get distressing to have the same reaction consistently).

In all seriousness, though, I do agree a little bit with what people are saying. Come mid-terms, finals, and November in general, my situation may well change and I will drop a couple of clubs. Having paid the membership fees, I am not too keen on this idea, but I will do that if I think it will affect my academic standing. Today I went to two meetings and already I can start to see which clubs I might be more involved in than others, but I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t go. It’s all about trying new things out.

On the other hand, I am only taking four Arts courses this term which is less than the average. I have considerably more free time than other people so it’s not impossible to manage.

And this is also what makes me happy, so who is to argue with that?

(On that note, I’d like to add that I shake my fist at textbook-reading methods and am determined to find a studying routine that works for me. I completely encourage other people to check out SQ3R, SQ4R, and all those other methods, but formulas stress me out too much to be a good thing.)

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