Chapman Learning Napping-Commons

The Chapman Learning Centre is my favourite place in the library to be when I need to study. It’s the most castle-like/Harry-Potter-esque room I’ve seen so far, with enormously high ceilings, artful windows and the most comfortable chairs in the world. And if I hang around long enough, I can usually get a computer with internet access to websites other than the UBC Library (though I’ve noticed the CLC is getting increasingly busy as the term goes on). This is good news in my book when I need to access emails, my main means of storing homework and other items these days.

And the chairs! The chairs… I was reading an article for my English presentation next Monday and by the end of it, I could no longer resist the temptation. I sank blissfully into a good half-hour nap and woke up with pins and needles all over my back, but refreshed enough to go on to studying my Earth and Ocean Sciences course. (Online courses are, by the way, very difficult if you don’t have good self-discipline. I struggle on my weak days.)

I know I’m not the only one who welcome falling into the arms of those delectable sofa-chairs — I was studying away at EOSC when a girl walked up to the empty chair in front of me, put her bag down, sat down and immediately closed her eyes. So sometimes, people come to the CLC just to get a bit of rest. And I think it is wonderful that no one tells people not to sleep there, because it’s so good when you are absolutely shattered and need a quick power-nap to recharge your batteries…

I don’t recommend sitting in them for too long though, particularly if you have back problems — I’m sure there’s something about overly-soft seats exasperating such pains. And I definitely had to unbend myself when I woke up, though maybe that’s because I sleep like a cocoon.

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