Things I Love Thursday

If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. What matters is how we finish.
–Nick Vujicic

Things I Love Thursday is the delightful act of posting about the things you love every Thursday, as begun by Gala Darling. It’s a fun happiness booster I enjoy doing, and would be really glad to hear about the things you enjoy too!

♥ I have been in excellent humour ever since I thought that if exams are the worst thing I have to complain about, then life is pretty damn amazing.

♥ Jon Schmidt’s piano/cello arrangement of ‘Love Story Meets Viva La Vida’ is one of my best songs for hardcore studying.


What’s one of yours?

♥ My friend’s blog I recently discovered (Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Success: A Guide to Navigating Your 20s), offering short, sweet posts on relationship advice and tasty-sounding recipes. It also makes me laugh.

♥ The mandarin oranges my friend dropped off the other day are sweet and delicious!

The Point Grill restaurant at Marine Drive, also known as my time-saver and occasional reward during exam period.

♥ The falling snow feature on my WordPress (click through to my blog to see!).

♥ The absolutely amazing community potluck held at the Musqueam reserve last Thursday night. I am so grateful to have been a part of the First Nations Language Program and have the opportunity to visit the reserve on so many occasions for learning the language of the Musqueam people. It was a funny, touching evening filled with laughter and food. Thank you for everything.

♥ The beautiful young cat I fell in love with on the way home from the reserve. It was a mutual love at first sight — I pet her, she rubbed herself around my legs and made me her property, followed me when we walked away, and stood on my feet so I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything but pet her more where I stood. Oh Kitty, I wish I could have taken you with me, but I don’t think your owner would have appreciated that. This post goes out to you.

♥ Lastly, but not least, Nick Vujicic is one of the people in this world I most admire. Check him out — I promise he will be worth the next four minutes of your time.

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