A picture is worth a thousand words.
Arrived home yesterday from Oahu, Hawai’i, with the family. There for four days: shopped, ate, toured, whale-watched, and sat in a submarine. The Pacific ocean has never been so many shades of blue.
The plane ride there had me empty-handed, without a book, a laptop or a movie to watch, so there was really nothing for me to do except to re-evaluate my life and write my 2011 resolutions on a napkin provided by Air Canada. Talk about productive use of time.
You don’t have to take a plane or ride a bus to think, really think, about what you want. Sometimes it is good to hole yourself up in a room where no one will disturb you, or go to a favourite place alone. Sometimes it is good just to take a break from the things that worry you, to give yourself permission not to do your usual thing for a few days. Give yourself the chance to be refreshed and re-energised. Enjoy your holiday.
I hope the festive season is treating all of you well. ♥
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