It’s almost three weeks to the day that I started my new job at the Arts Co-op Office. On the one hand, I can’t believe that time has flown by so quickly and I’m almost a quarter done with this co-op term. On the other, it feels like I’ve been here for far longer.
Or maybe that’s just because I spent my entire day entering data into Excel.
The Program held its second pre-employment undergraduate conference on Saturday and I was engrossed in entering data from well over 100 forms to report upon during our next staff meeting. The really fun part was learning the COUNTIF function to help me tally several responses. For an English lit student who doesn’t need to touch Excel for anything other than tracking personal expenses, it was a very ‘woah’ moment followed by a very excited inner ‘I can do this!’ feeling. Oh, how I grow.
Welcome to my new job as the Arts Co-op Student Advisor. This is my third and final work term before I graduate, and normally, I don’t talk a whole lot about my work or academics, but I’m probably going to natter on and on about this one. It brings together many of the aspects I’ve enjoyed most over the last few years: student advising in a university setting, editing, and written communications, to name a few. No wonder I already find myself wishing I could stay for more than four months.
Instead, I’ll just blather away to my heart’s content about it while I can. Seeing the end is nigh has really triggered my urge to just dump every resource and piece of useful information I’ve ever learned about UBC onto the internet before May rolls around, because I’m sure not going to talk about being an undergraduate after I’m done! And Co-op has definitely been one of my better decisions during my degree that I’d like to acknowledge and pass on something of the experience to anyone who might be curious.
Plus, I just really wanted an excuse to talk about my supervisor’s dog:

Meet Parker. She flops down behind my chair about once a week. If you ever drop by when she's visiting, I'll be the one who's petting her madly.
This is definitely going to be one of my better terms.
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