There should be some kind of warning sign for this

So I was clicking around the SSC randomly because what I really want is to find out if the FNSC building is the Food, Nutrition and Health building for a club meeting tomorrow (because SC stands for Health, of course), but the courses section isn’t working —

when I decide to click around the examinations area and find that, ta-da! —

exam dates are out, and why did no one mention it before? There should be some kind of warning: Oh yes, by the way, exam dates are out so you can mentally prepare yourself for December. What if I never checked until November? That would be bad planning on my part. How long have they been out? I have no idea; no one has even mentioned the subject so far.

So my exam schedule looks like this:
Thursday 6 December: Chinese 211 (8:30-11:00)
Saturday 8 December: Anthropology 103 (12:00-2:30) [my first non-music-related exam on a Saturday!]
Tuesday 18 December: English 220 (8:30-11:00), and Computer Science 101 (3:30-6:00)

Alas, two exams in one day. That does not count as an exam hardship (which would have to be three exams or more within twenty-four hours). Oh well, it’s not so bad. In fact, it could be a lot worse.

And now I am plotting to see if I can leave for HK a day earlier and make it in time for my secondary school’s end-of-term Christmas parody.

Now to find out about that FNSC building…

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