Category Archives: Recreation

Benkei (Thurlow)

Close enough to work for me to dash in and out during my lunch break, and at $7 a bowl, Benkei on Thurlow seemed like a good way of satisfying my ramen craving that had been plaguing me for a month and a half.

Unfortunately, the entire experience was underwhelming. Both times. (I went twice, just to be sure.)

Shoyu ramen

My first ramen was the shoyu ramen, a soy-sauce-based ramen with nori (seaweed), bamboo shoots, spinach, and sliced pork. Nothing was bad, mind you—the noodles were alright, the pork was alright, the soup was alright… and that’s just it. Everything was only alright, with no outstanding features to make me want to come back again.

(Except the bamboo. That was outstanding in a shockingly pungent way and stayed at the furthest curve of my bowl at all times.)

Unwilling to write Benkei off entirely based on one mediocre expeirence, I returned the next week, my ramen craving still very much present. (Also, I had a shiny new stamp card with a shiny new stamp that promised me a free ramen after acquiring eight more stamps. Now that is incentive.) This time, I had the shio ramen, a salt-based ramen boiled with pork that is lighter in flavour to the shoyu ramen.

Shio ramen with sliced pork, green onions, bean sprouts, and... bamboo shoots

Although I came in with low expectations, the shio ramen managed to succeed in disappointing me regardless. Despite thinking very carefully of what could be said for it, the only thing I could concentrate on was how Benkei’s odourous bamboo from last time wasn’t just a one-off experience. Again, the bamboo stayed at the furthest side of my bowl.

Conclusion? I am never going back there again, not even for the sake of my shiny stamp card with two stamps on it, if only to avoid the bamboo. This olfactory experience incited a crisis in my own culinary heritage as I could not remember if bamboo had ever been that smelly before. I certainly hadn’t been expecting it, but perhaps I’m losing my memory in my tender twenties? (Fortunately, I recently reconfirmed that bamboo shoots do not have to smell like that. Whew.)

Benkei Ramen
747 Thurlow St
Vancouver BC

last night, the sky

was lit up with a thousand thousand crescent moons
cascading down the inky sky in a glittering rain

of fire

For a moment in the afternoon, a peal of thunder rolled through the sky and rain started pouring down. I got a call from my brother who’d gone up to English Bay with his friends to warn me that people were leaving the beach and I should bring a towel and an umbrella.

Fortunately, it stopped before my friend came round to give me a ride to Kitsilano Beach, where we’d agreed to go watch the last display of fireworks for the Celebration of Light, an annual international competition among four countries that takes place each summer in Vancouver; last night was a tribute to China. The view from Kits isn’t the same as English Bay, where the lights seem to be bursting right above your head, but it wasn’t bad (barring the giant Totoro-shaped tree-bush that blocked our view of the lower fireworks).

Although nobody else I know who went thinks so, the last multiple burst of unfurling fireworks looked like a giant, golden heart—which isn’t too impossible a premise, given that the theme of the show was The Butterfly Lovers

New Blog

At lillienne dot wordpress dot com, where I’ll be blogging on my fourth-year adventures from now on.

(In the back of my head: fourth year already?!)

UBC Poetry Slam Finals @ Koerner Tonight

Free entry to UBC Slam’s Grand Slam tonight at Koerner’s Pub, beginning at 8:00 PM. The Facebook event is here.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it, as I have to work on my essays. I got an extension on one of them, though, so I can foresee getting through a few more days than originally deemed possible!

Continuing the ‘Lost’ Journey

Hmm, my Blog Squad avatar seems to have disappeared from my front page. This is a little disconcerting, but not enough to push me to find out why. School is ridiculously busy at the moment (as it always is at this time of year).

For those of you who are interested in this kind of thing, there is a slam poetry event going on in MASS (Buchanan D) on March 31. You can find the Facebook event here. I will definitely try and make it if I can.

I had a really comforting discussion with some third- and fourth-year friends I bumped into today; it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who gets more confused about what I want to do with my life the older I get. It’s extremely frustrating to remember how much more direction I had in first-year; sometimes I just want to pick something and go through with it. It’s especially frustrating when talking to people who do know exactly what they want to do and are following their passions.

What if you don’t really know what your passion is, or more specifically, how to make money off your passion? What if you care about more than one thing and don’t know how to balance it all?

At the moment I’m just trying to plan out my life in the short-term and not worry too much about the long-term details. Life happens, things change, and it’s very hard to to make concrete plans. As long as I do what I feel is right and good for me at the moment, things should work out.

(NB: Please note this is only a short-term solution for the confused. Having a sense of the general direction you want to take goes a long way in helping you shape your life.)

Summer will be a wonderful time to sort out some more of what I want to do with my life!

For now, I should work on those six term papers.