Category Archives: Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday

Is everyone enjoying their Reading Break? I am! Because of:

♥ Sleeping in for the first time since I can’t even remember when. Granted, I only went to bed at 3:30 am, but that was because I was:

♥ Chatting with my ‘twin’ back home in Hong Kong and sharing all our trials and tribulations. I love my Hong Kong VoIP phone!

♥ Waking up to a shining sun, yay yay yay!

♥ Going skiing for the first time at Sun Peaks. More on that later!

♥ Having a delightful Valentine’s brunch with my volunteers at Tomato Fresh Food Cafe.

♥ Successfully altering an evening dress I picked up months and months ago for the excellent deal of $10, all by myself, without taking hours, like I thought it would.

♥ Taking funny group pictures with one of my best friends for her grad photos. (Lovely ladies in fine dresses flexing their biceps is a pretty good example of what it was like.)

♥ Meeting fantastic friends of friends!

♥ Having a fajita dinner at a friend’s place. I love living in res and being able to just walk over to where my friends are, rather than living off-campus where hardly anyone was around.

♥ Speaking of which, that soy meat we had last night really tasted like meat. Glad to know the world has improved at making fake meat since the first time I tried it ten years ago.

♥ Lastly, this video! Try working out what the title means in relation to the rest of it. If you want a hint, take a look in the comments section. Have fun!


Things I Love Thursday

Late this evening because I’ve been so caught up in everything, but am pleased to report that life is looking up! For all of these reasons:

♥ This is a little old, but it’s adorable and cracks me up every single time.


♥ A friend of mine recently introduced me to the glories of apple smeared with peanut butter, and I have a newfound appreciation for the fruit I once described as ‘boring’.

♥ After weeks of banging my brain against my own intellectual walls, and with some guidance from my thesis supervisor, I’ve finally handed in my prospectus and know what I’m doing!

♥ One of my best friends here has been feeding me lately with soup and scones. Deeee-li-cious, and oh-so-time-saving!

♥ I realised I can say ‘I love you’ in six languages: English, Old English, Mandarin, Cantonese, French, and h@n’q’@min’@m’. Two-thirds of these languages are not widely spoken (okay, Anglo-Saxon is really not spoken at all these days), but I am still all excitement.

♥ I’m going skiing for the first time this weekend!

♥ Today I pet a cat with a stubby tail! My classmate told me this is a Manx.

Are you excited for Reading Week? I AM. Even though I have to work and have a ridiculous amount of work to do this year and have thus turned down almost all social invitations, I am still so pleased at the prospect of adequate sleep!

To which I am now headed for. Goodnight, my friends!

Things I Love Thursday

First off… Happy Lunar New Year! Now it’s the Year of the Rabbit, if you were wondering when that starts.

Unfortunately, I have been sick the whole past week and tragically missed out on New Year dinners. Nor did I manage to go home and have dinner with my brother, as I was planning, but hey, I can rectify that later on this week.

In the meantime:

♥ The last few days of sunshine and blue skies have been utterly lovely. My room in Marine faces south, so I get to bask in actual heat and feel myself coming alive. I must have been a plant in another life.

♥ First I was madly addicted to John Mayer’s ‘Half of My Heart‘ and was listening to it on repeat for several days, and now I’m back to Bruno Mars’s ‘Just the Way You Are’.


♥ After a year and a half on Fido, I just realised that my unlimited outgoing texts includes all Canadian wireless numbers, and not just Vancouver ones. I can’t believe I didn’t find this out earlier! But I have since happily started texting to Toronto. You know how sometimes you don’t realise how much you miss someone until they pop into your life again? Having a loved one just that much closer is fantabulous.

♥ I’ve been reconnecting with a few other friends as well — a phone call, a Skype date, an email, an online chat, even a Facebook comment — these all go towards the emotional bank accounts we keep with one another.

♥ I love the kind of poetry that sends shivers down my spine.

♥ I also love the earth when it’s frozen solid and I can make crunchy shortcuts across ice-crisp grass to class.

♥ I don’t know if I ever mentioned, but I adore my rain boots. They are half a size too big so I am always tripping over my own feet, but it is shocking how I can now walk straight through puddles without fear of getting wet! When I am quite better, I plan to go puddle jumping.

祝你们新年快乐,身体健康,工作顺利,学习进步,家庭平安,心想事成!(Loosely translated, that would be me wishing you happiness, health, success in work, school, family, and anything else you want.)

Things I Love Thursday

Short list this week because I’m sick and want to fall in bed as soon as ever I can:

♥ honey and lemon water;

♥ myself, every time I open the freezer to dig out the cheddar and parsley scones I baked and froze;

♥ the chocolate chip cookies I baked on Tuesday night which were entirely gobbled up by friends and colleagues by the next afternoon;

♥ the books I ordered from Amazon and Book Depository arriving! including Second Innocence by John Izzo, which is making me surprisingly happy;

♥ 103.5 FM radio station;

♥ and this picture which always makes me laugh:

Things I Love Thursday

Oh, oh, this is one of those weeks when I’m in need of some lovin’ myself. But I’ve been told that to get love, you have to give love, so after some digging around in my treasure trove, here’s a little of what I love:

♥ Seeing one of my favourite friends come online.

♥ Making plans to get my hair cut in February.

♥ Dark chocolate — the darker the better!

♥ Colourful balloons! Helium-filled or not, it doesn’t matter (though helium makes for a fun afterparty…). Actually, balloons in general.

♥ Making plans on spreading love and goodness for my birthday. I’m actually really excited about these and will be talking about them at some point in my life.

♥ Reservations for Dine Out! So many reservations for Dine Out!

♥ The bunny calendar my friends got me in memory of my recently poor put down pet. He had a good life.

♥ This acoustic version of ‘Forgiveness’ by Sarah McLachlan is one of my lovelies, even though it’s sad:


Share a little love?