
Hi everyone!

My name is Lisa and I’m a language/literature major. I’m really interested in the linguistic and discourse realm of my degree but I also really appreciate Canadian literature. I’m a little nervous about how aesthetically pleasing I can make this blog (I’m not the most savvy). I do think I’ll enjoy the freedom of navigating my thoughts through the articles/books we will be reading this term. Through this Canadian Literature course we shall be reading lots of stories surrounding First Nations and Canadian history, I hope to be able to expand my own knowledge about our history even further this term! My goal for the course is to allow myself to think more critically about the Canadian identity as a whole (or not?).

My passion for Canadian literature didn’t start until probably 3rd year (I’m in my 5th year), when I took a course that allowed me to read the book Monkey Beach by Eden Robinson I have since gotten a chance to also read her novel Son of a Trickster. Both of her novels have really resonated with me in surprising ways. Would definitely recommend these novels for anyone that has not read a lot of Canadian lit yet.Image result for monkey beach book

I’ve taken another Canadian lit class and I’ve also taken an Asian-Canadian lit class. I feel like I somewhat have a bit of an understanding of what Canadian literature looks like and means to me! Another book that really touched me is Ru by Kim Thuy It’s truly a beautiful, poetic novel and I cried throughout parts of it (haha). It’s also quite short and could be finished in one sitting!

I wanted to mention these books because I think they might be great suggestions for someone who hasn’t read a lot of Canadian literature. Canadian literature is such a vast category and there are so many different narratives to seek out. I feel as though Eden Robinson and Kim Thuy have really impacted my view of Canada and my passion about literature (not a 18th century lit person sorry!)

Thank you to whoever got a chance to read my introduction! Looking forward to reading many other blogs as well!

Works Cited:

Hughes, Graham. “Ru, by Kim Thuy” The Globe and Mail, Feb 10, 2012.

Robsinson, Eden. “Eden Robinson – Master of Fine Arts 1995” The University of British Columbia.

Robinson, Eden. “Monkey Beach” Penguin Random House Canada.




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