In rereading the assembled information below I am aware that it is essentially a compilation of ‘background information’ on the novel. I have purposely left out my analysis and interpretation, for the most part, because my sense of what the duties of the backgrounder entail is to provide information that can then be interpreted by the literature circle as a whole. I don’t want to start doing the thinking and connecting for my group members. I want to search out background information that I think will generate discussion, period. I am aware that this reads like a bad lonely planet entry and I’m not thrilled with that. I do think that this information will be of value in thinking critically about the novel and that is my only criteria.
Miriam Toews was born in Steinbach Manitoba and spent her youth there. Her novel A Complicated Kindness is set in a fictional town called East Village. This Russian Mennonite town is generally thought to be a fictionalized version of Steinbach. This begs the question, what is Steinbach Manitoba like? We need this information before we can do any kind of meaningful comparison.
Steinbach, Manitoba.
Steinbach is a small city that has a current population of approximately 13,000. If we assume the novel is set in the late 70’s to early eighties (based on the Lou Reed references), then the population of Steinbach at that time would have been much smaller; figures for 1981 list the population at 6,676.
The town traces its origin to the settlement of Mennonite settlers in 1874. These Mennonites were of two types, Kleine Germeinde, and Bergthal. The main difference between the two groups seems to be the reformist and more pious and discipline oriented nature of the Kleine Germeinde who were reacting to some general backsliding among the Mennonites in general. In this way Miriam Toews story in A complicated kindness seems to be one that has been going on for a very long time, and similar experiences were likely had by youth in previous generations in Manitoba, and even before in Russia.
Steinbach does not seem to have been as Strictly 100% Mennonite as it appears in the novel. Census figures seem to indicate in the 70’s there would have been about 80% of the population that were German speaking. As of 2001 the rate of religious participation among the cities residents stood at over 90%.
(Source: and,_Manitoba)
For a more definitive answer to the question of how much of Steinbach is in the novel it is always prudent to use the author’s own words (from the Faber reader’s guide to the novel:
In writing A Complicated Kindness Miriam Toews has said that she wanted to ‘show how the fundamentalist interpretation of religion or Christianity was destructive in the Nickel family.’ Given her own back- ground of growing up in the small conservative Mennonite community of Steinbach, Manitoba it was inevitable that she would be asked to what degree her confused yet sharply intelligent narrator’s experience reflected her own. Replying that although the events in East Village were entirely fictitious she has explained ‘I was very conscious of making sure that my character’s relationships with the community were authentic. Mine were something else entirely. Obviously. But the emphasis in the town on punishment and shame, and joylessness, that degree of severity and intolerance – all those aspects I certainly experienced.’
The daughter of a liberal family, Toews still describes herself as a Mennonite (although she also declares herself an agnostic) and has retained a great affection for the positive aspects of the Mennonite way of life, such as the idea of the extended family, an affection echoed in Nomi’s feelings for East Village. She remembers ‘a very nur- turing, safe environment, everybody knew who I was, who my parents were, who my grandparents were, what part of Russia we were from originally. That was a really comforting feeling. Non-Mennonites, when they see that aspect of it, think it’s a beautiful thing, and it is, but there’s so much going on besides.’ Toews left Steinbach the day after her graduation and says that she could not go back to live there explaining that people who leave ‘have very complicated relationships with the places we grew up. We want to love them, and we do love them, but there’s so much of it that’s so harsh, so unforgiving.’
Miriam Toews novels often contain absent mothers. This is the case in both Summer of my Amazing Luck and A Complicated Kindness. It raises questions for readers of here work about the nature of her relationship with her own mother; Toews addresses these issues in an interview she gave to Herizons magazine:
“The relationship I have with my mother is so strong and loving and fun, that maybe I had to, in order to have a character who was working through something difficult, have her gone – dead, or missing, or whatever, just absent – in order to create that conflict for my character. And, to get all psychoanalytical about it, I’ve been trying to understand my father for a long time now, and I think that in my own life, growing up, etcetera, my mother was sort of this buffer between him and me, in that she kind of protected me from his sadness and tried to make life fun and upbeat all the time. So maybe, in order for my character to understand her father better, and assuming that my characters are in some ways me, that particular buffer has to be removed.” (Source: )