Monthly Archives: October 2011

Facebook group protests lesbians’ banishment from Tim Hortons in southern Ontario

Activists gathered around at the outside of a southern Ontario Tim Hortons outlet to protest discrimination against a lesbian couple by the restaurant’s manager on Thursday. Riley Duckworth said she was told and menaced to leave the restaurant in Blenheim, … Continue reading

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VW’s struggles on the road to world domination

Volkswagen is struggling to dominate auto market worldwide; however, it is currently facing some problems both from Suzuki and Porsche. Volkswagen and Suzuki have blamed each other for breaching their “comprehensive partnership” since 2009. At the same time, VW has some … Continue reading

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Yahoo Has a Crowd, Wants a Voice

Yahoo Company dominates online news, finance, and sports. Although it has had a lot of users, Yahoo sites still reflects its shortage of innovation. Yahoo built audience through collecting news from other sources, such as US weekly, and The New … Continue reading

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Blackberry Blackout Latest Trouble for RIM

There was a three-day outage which happened this week so that thousands of Blackberry users could not access Internet and check emails. The outage this time affected the world’s 70 millions Blackberry customers. Some people even have shifted to iPhone. … Continue reading

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Obscura Digital Brings Its Creative Magic To Health Care

Article:   Obscura Digital is famous for its visual displays, such as a high projection on Coca-Cola’s headquarters, and CO2 Cube in Copenhagen. Now it is going to dig the health care industry. Obscura Digital wants to start its … Continue reading

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GM Jumps into Carsharing Lane with RelayRides

Article:   The new business of carshare is becoming more and more popular to attract customers who want to use cars in the short term recently. Because of its low price, many people choose to enter that business to … Continue reading

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Canada vulnerable to global downturn

Article: The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Harper claimed, “The Canadian economy’s export-driven base is “very vulnerable” to the global economic slowdown.” Canada’s economic strength is pretty good compared to other countries, except its export. That is the main factor that affects … Continue reading

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