VW’s struggles on the road to world domination

Volkswagen is struggling to dominate auto market worldwide; however, it is currently facing some problems both from Suzuki and Porsche. Volkswagen and Suzuki have blamed each other for breaching their “comprehensive partnership” since 2009. At the same time, VW has some trouble taking over Porsche. Last month it just gave up to merge Porsche into its company as a result of various lawsuits. On the other hand, VW is planning to step forward and expand its market of lorries through cooperating with an European maker, Scania.

Volkswagen is trying hard to become the world-largest car company, but the market nowadays is extremely competitive. VW can only move ahead than GM and Toyota when it works and gains more advanced technologies from its companions. I think Suzuki issue is a tough obstacle for VW to deal with, because Suzuki is its important partner which can help to improve its sales volume and advancement. Besides, the idea of growing its profits by entering lorry market is a promising plan as a result of market diversity; VW might win the market from a totally new area which other car companies have not involved so far.

Article: http://www.economist.com/node/21532502

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