Comments on The Cost of Walmart’s Low Price

In Sharon Shi’s blog, she talks about a social issue that Walmart hired child laborers to reduce its costs for making products. And after exposing the scandal, Walmart did not give a positive response to the public. Instead, it closed those factories which were condemned.

Sharon states that Walmart’s action is unconscious, and it not only hampered children’s education, but also pushed children to work in an unhealthy condition.

I hold the same thoughts with Sharon. Although child laborers are cheap and it might help Walmart cut down its prices, its participation of using child laborers made an adverse image to the society. In addition, Walmart’s decision and attitudes towards this sensitive issue may become contagious so that small companies are going to follow what it did in order to compete with each other. Walmart’s strategy for decreasing prices is incorrect, because it does not consider any side effects that it might cause to its children laborers. As a big company, it is its mission to take some social responsibility, and I can surely say that Walmart is going to pay more prices for its action which results in a huge negative effect to the whole society.

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