Obscura Digital Brings Its Creative Magic To Health Care

Article: http://www.fastcompany.com/1785668/obscura-digital-brings-its-creative-magic-to-health-care?partner=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fastcompany%2Fheadlines+%28Fast+Company+Headlines%29


Obscura Digital is famous for its visual displays, such as a high projection on Coca-Cola’s headquarters, and CO2 Cube in Copenhagen. Now it is going to dig the health care industry. Obscura Digital wants to start its business by using LED technology to help people find kiosk in hospitals. Also, facial recognition stuff may join to lead patients to their rooms. Moreover, its work for Coca-Cola headquarters might be used to make a visual wall so that a hospital’s images could be improved. The same thing can be used to create different visual environments in patient rooms, like beach, and a child.


Obscura Digital is a company which has perfect marketing, finance, and strategies. It always knows what it intends to do with its technology and how to enlarge its range among different areas. The success of Obscura Digital is not an incident, it possesses advanced technology, it holds unique ideas, and it creates high-quality products. In digital area, there are not too many companies like them to do the same business, because it requires high requirements and creative motive. All these reasons above become the current success of Obscura Digital. Its distinction means that there are few substitutes for customers to choose and more chances for it to control the market.







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