Yahoo Has a Crowd, Wants a Voice

Yahoo Company dominates online news, finance, and sports. Although it has had a lot of users, Yahoo sites still reflects its shortage of innovation. Yahoo built audience through collecting news from other sources, such as US weekly, and The New York Times; therefore, Yahoo executives suggest making original reporting, and covering special events like exclusive online video programs. In addition, Yahoo is now working on personalizing its site in order to attract more users. Collecting news from other sources made it hard to establish a creative way to deliver things through table computers and smartphones so that Yahoo does not have “a voice” to entice people.

Yahoo has been a successful company so far, but it always does things in the same way compared with other sites. Apparently, innovation is a biggest problem for Yahoo to conquer. Currently, Yahoo has realized its weakness and started working on it. However, the market is highly competitive. Yahoo has to make unique apps that other companies have not found. Moreover, Yahoo might create a feeling of priority to catch customers’ interests and develop customer loyalty.


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