Apple Leads to Entrepreneurship

Apple Company is a blockbuster in Electronics Industry. It is definitely entrepreneurial according to its farsighted entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial features. 21-year-old Steve Jobs and 26-year-old Wozniak worked together to construct personal computers, and they even took risks selling van to finance their company without knowing any future success of their products. Fortunately, the products attracted many customers, but competition was still coming with it. In order to outstand from other companies, Apple introduced the Macintosh, which became the first computer with a graphic interface. Later, Jobs was focusing on iMac, iPod and iTunes. Apple currently has 14,800 employees and grosses over $17 billion in revenues.

Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple Company, and his perfectionism made Apple to be unique, chic, user-friendly, and powerful in the market. Apple can be regarded as an entrepreneurial company, because it always produces new products at certain periods so that old customers will always want to update products they have already bought and potential customers are also attracted to buy its new products. Additionally, Apple, as a relatively new company, generates revenues even faster than some other bigger companies. There is a huge risk when a company launches new products to the market, but Apple is always willing to be the risk-taker and seizing every opportunity that it has.





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