Author Archives: Emily


Emily is my friend!


now I don’t

between incident keep going back and correcting stuff

your voice,

your existence,

call me, baby.

I want someone.

tested, vested dementia.

no friends and all around

I don’t know…

do you believe in love?

Winckler Assignment two

Winckler Assignment two – LLED 445

Proxy Poem:


I who am safe

Cozy in my apartment

Who comes home each day to see

everything I could ever need

Ponder that these were men,

Who slaved in rain and snow

Who feared for their lives every day

Who risked life for a sip of soup

Who lived or died at a right or a left

Ponder that these were women,

Without identity or image

Without a will to go on

No ability to reproduce a future

like a single animal ripped of their mate

Refuse to forget that this has happened

These words have been commended to me

I have tattooed them on my soul

When I am home, when I am on the streets

When I’m with friends or students or colleagues

Repeat them to every ear that will listen

Or may I lose my rights

My ability to speak or listen

And the world turn its face on me.

Winckler – Assignment 1


The kitchen in his place was sort of a bust.

The windows didn’t open all the way

and the low set ceiling meant that

stagnant air set off fire alarms every time we



But still, when he spun me round,

my toes sliding across cracked linoleum,

I didn’t notice.


Because when he touched me I didn’t

notice anything else at all.


You slipped from my fingers

as though greased with the pain

of every memory I put to rest.


Now I love you like I love

all things that are not meant for me:



with enough silent passion to flood lakes.

  1. Start by being 17
  2. Go to a club with a fake ID
  3. Argue with the bouncer that, yes, your eyes look brown and the card says green, but really, ICBC just got it wrong
  4. Say things like, “no really, I got a nose job… it bothered me my whole life, ” and “people always tell me I look young for 23.”
  5. Bat your eyelashes
  6. Go inside only to not drink and sit at a booth the whole time
  7. Leave after an hour and eat McDonald’s
  8. Repeat until you’re 19 and can legally go out but don’t want to anymore anyway