Resources for your consideration

A possible resources that I was reminded of from last week’s discussion … 

Ivan Coyote’s Ted Tx: We All Need a Safe Place to Pee – 2015 (12 min) – Upper Int/Sec

Description: In a poetically rhythmic TEDx talk, award winning Vancouver author Ivan Coyote highlights the need for gender neutral washrooms in all public places. (Condensed Whiteboard Animation Version, 2:18)

The Slow Fix (2008) is another great collection worth exploring that features deeply personal stories about gender, identity, and community.

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1 Response to Resources for your consideration

  1. jessica wallin says:

    Thanks Eddie!

    I think it is so important to bring in Canadian content as well. Ivan does a lot of great workshops and can even come into the classroom!

    In a presentation during our program on SOGI curriculum, the presenter spoke about how a large percentage of bullying occurs in school based on gender expression. As such, I think a great poem to bring in and perhaps to pair with these resources is Sarah Kay’s slam poem “Dreaming Boy” in which she talks about how gender expression can often make people have assumptions about your sexuality or gender identity and the limited view we have of what people can or cannot be:

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