6-Word Memoirs

I absolutely loved the 6-Word Memoirs poetry task.   I find in visual arts classes that sometimes students need more constraints in order to unwind and get creative. Here are a few 6-Word memoirs I wrote on the bus on my way home today:

  1. Always conforming to becoming your misfit.

2. Suffering, we join hands. Unexpected pleasure.

3. Sick sad world/leading heart first.


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2 Responses to 6-Word Memoirs

  1. Samantha Smirfitt says:

    Thanks for sharing! I love your use of punctuation. I definitely find that I need more constraints in order to unwind and get creative, especially in the beginning. Punctuation play (is that a phrase?) would be an interesting constraint to use.

  2. Joanne Hui says:

    The six word constraint really helped me choose stronger, power words. It really shows how sometimes less is more.

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