Picture Book

For anyone wanting to explore some more picture books, this is one that I was just introduced to in my Indigenous Ed class, and I would definitely recommend it! It explores the theme of reclaiming language.

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2 Responses to Picture Book

  1. NaviGosal says:

    Hey Jackie!

    Thank you for this! This would also be great to include in a text set! I, like many people, have been overwhelmed, curious, and trying to find the best ways to include tougher Indigenous topics to create dialogue in the classroom. This would be incredibly beneficial! I really appreciate the ability of children’s books to succinctly summarize and introduce such topics.

  2. Jamie Hillman says:

    Thanks Jackie! Another text that was brought forward in our Indigenous Ed course was the Shi-Shi-Etko series. It is about a young girl and her brother, and their experience at residential school. As Navi said, picture books can be a good way to introduce tougher topics, and I think these ones would work well. 🙂

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