Author Archives: Aaron Cheung

Another Lovely Film

Hello! Here’s another one! The Florida Project explores the life of motel families through this gorgeous piece of story-telling. The film mostly follows children protagonists, and situates itself in a sort of suspension between the harsh socioeconomic realities and imaginative … Continue reading

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Sean Karemaker (resource)

I know I’ve shared this in a previous LLED class, but I absolutely adore Sean Karemaker’s work, and thought I might as well give this another plug. I’m most familiar with his graphic novels – he works through a wide … Continue reading

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The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is this beautiful project that y’all should check out. The creator aims to capture very real human experiences within a made-up word. A few of the words have been made into stunning videos as well … Continue reading

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Pluggin books erryday

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Here’s a wonderful book recommendation! An exclusive sneak-peek of the dust jacket flap text (scribed by yours truly (that’s me)): “When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she’s not a boy. She knows … Continue reading

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