
This Blog entry consists of an application letter to 301 classmates to form a team of writers for this semester. Additionally, the memorandum is attached to Professor Erika providing a summary of the letter of application followed by three email messages to 301 classmates for group formation. 


Application Letter 

186 Broadway Street

Winnipeg, MB S6T 0G6

May 28, 2022

English 301 Classmates

The University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V68 1Z4

Dear Classmates:

My name is Lovin Kahlon and I am writing this letter to present my interests and experiences to join a team of writers for this semester.

As a third year student at UBC enrolled in Bachelor of Dental Science, I am experienced in conducting research and writing scientific reports. My work as a dental hygienist requires extensive time management, interpersonal and collaboration skills with other professionals to meet the needs of my patient. Patient education and advocacy are two of my passions. After graduating with a degree in dental science, I aspire to become a clinical instructor and work closely with the dental hygiene associations on access to care for dental issues.

My academic achievement includes graduation with honours roll from the dental hygiene program in 2009. I have volunteered as a mentor to dental hygiene students to facilitate their professional growth as new clinicians. Furthermore, my volunteer activities also include providing free dental hygiene services to low-income families through an outreach program.

I consider a lack of digital knowledge one of my weaknesses and often find creating digital content intimidating. As for my writing skills, I would like to improve creativity and coherence in my writing. My learning philosophy includes self-reflection, setting high expectations for myself and also overall enjoying the learning process.

If you find my skills and interests complement your own, please feel free to reach at me  I look forward to the opportunity to learn with you all.


Lovin Kahlon

Technical writing 301/May 2022



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: Lovin Kahlon, ENGL301 Student
Date: May 28, 2022
Subject: Summary of Letter of Application

As per the requirements of the lesson 1 assignment, I have posted my letter of application to join a writing team to work with this semester. The word doc is also attached below.

My letter of application contains the following:

  • Professional Interests- Clinical Instructor, education and advocacy
  • Previous Experience- Conducting research, writing scientific reports
  • Volunteer Activities- Mentorship, clinical dental outreach programs
  • Academic Achievements- Graduation with honours roll
  • Strengths- Interpersonal, collaboration and time management skills
  • Weakness- Creating digital content, creativity and coherence in writing
  • Learning Philosophy- Self reflection, high expectations and enjoying the learning process
  • Conclusion- Inviting classmates to become a member of my professional writing team

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Enclosure: 301-Lovin Kahlon, Application Letter


Email Messages 

Subject: Group Formation-English 301


Dear Kristy,

My name is Lovin and I am writing to express my interest in forming a writing team with you for English 301.

You presented yourself very genuinely in your application letter and I am impressed with your education and professional experience thus far. As a fellow dental hygienist, I believe your interests and experiences are complimenting mine and we will make a great team for the rest of the 301 semester.

I have attached my application letter to this email for your review. Please reply back if you are interested as well to form a writing team with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Lovin Kahlon

Technical writing 301


Dear Samantha,

My name is Lovin and I am writing to express my interest in forming a writing team with you for English 301.

After reviewing your biography and blog, I feel that our education and interests are similar and we will make a great team for the remainder of the 301 semester. Aside from professional interests, we are also alike in our love of baking.

I have attached my application letter to this email for your review. Please reply back if you are interested as well to form a writing team with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Lovin Kahlon

Technical writing 301


Dear Peter,

My name is Lovin and I am writing to express my interest in forming a writing team with you for English 301.

I enjoyed reading your biography and letter of application. Your social skills and the helpful nature you presented in your application appealed to me the most. I believe we will make a great time and learn a lot from each throughout 301 semester.

I have attached my application letter to this email for your review. Please reply back if you are interested as well to form a writing team with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Lovin Kahlon

Technical writing 301