Passion in the Workplace

To what extent would I be willing to follow a dream, regardless of how uncertain my future might be? After reading and analyzing Sean Lister’s blog regarding the opportunity cost of Janice Cheam and Wade Larson’s time in developing their products and companies, I found myself asking this very same question. If I can invest my time in a safer job with an almost certain outcome, why risk everything to chase a dream that may or may not be successful?

After some critical and in-depth thinking about this question, I have been able to answer this question with one word: passion.

I do not believe that Ms. Cheam worked as hard as she did for Energy Aware solely based on the expectation that the company will be successful one day, thus making her rich. I believe the reason for working so hard, both in the case of Ms. Cheam and Mr. Larson, is that they were passionate about what they were doing—they continue to work hard so they can make a difference in their lives, and change the world.

My analysis of Mr. Lister’s blog has lead me to the conclusion that there is absolutely no opportunity cost in the case of Janice Cheam and Wade Larsen because if they aren’t working on what they’re passionate about, then the next best alternative to their job has no value to them.

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