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This post is for people who come here because of my business card handed during my trip to Japan from Vancouver, BC.
I am curious how people feel about talking to strangers. I appreciate if you can share your experience in the comment below. If you do not want to share in public, please mentioned about it in your comment. Your comment always comes to me first. Your post does not automatically appear in this blog.
Thank you in advance!!
Hi M.Ed. Education for Sustainability classmates and post strangers!
How was your experience to talk to strangers? For some people easy to do, for some people not at all..
It will be helpful if you leave a comment how you felt/what kind technique you used/what kind of surprise you got/if this activity gave you motivation to talk to strangers and etc.
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Thank you very much for your participation!!
The following audio interviews were recorded at the City of Vancouver’s Hillcrest Centre around 5pm on March 30th. The Centre is one of two dozen city-run community centres, which provide recreational, social, and cultural activities for all city residents, according to the City’s website. The Hillcrest Centre is one of the City’s largest, and has gym and sports facilities, including a pool and ice rink, as weel as a public library (Terry Salman Branch).
There centre was busy, with children playing, and mothers and grandparents who were waiting for kids to finish their classes.
Today’s approach
Approaching and interviewing people was not easy. Some people declined our invites to talk, even without knowledge of the subject we wanted to discuss. Others were more willing:
Not surprisingly, once we stopped recording but had already established a comfortable connection with this woman, she continued the conversation. She said she is too busy to seek new friends, and is not necessarily looking for them because she already has a family, a career, and existing friends. Really what she needs more of is personal time to spend in solitude. In fact, the 30 minutes during which we interviewed her and continued our discussion is normally the only time she has daily to spend by herself reading the newspaper and being alone.