Researching the Formal Report

The research process of the formal report takes the least amount of time compared to the organization and writing portion. Using copper in public transportation is a recent study predominately based in Canada, specifically Toronto and Vancouver. The COVID pandemic sparked an investigation on the value of copper to fight against spreading viruses and bacteria. The University of British Columbia took part in the copper investigation by adding antimicrobial copper patches on door handles and railings in their buildings as a testing ground. The limitation in researching copper for public transit is the lack of testing in other Canadian provinces.

Organizing the Formal Report

The organization process of the formal report remains the same as the outline made earlier in the term. Changes may be made to the formal report’s organization as it is still being formed.

Writing the Formal Report

The writing process of the formal report takes the most amount of time compared to the research and organization portion. Writing requires time, self-editing, and commitment. Many times, sentences were edited to remove unnecessary words and phrases to maintain the expected clarity and conciseness. The challenge was retaining the value and meaning of each sentence as they were rewritten.

Reviewing my Peer’s Formal Report Draft

My peer’s formal report draft displays the importance of organization and transitioning between subsections. The flow of the report wasn’t lost on the writer’s intent or thought process. Each subsection should be supported by the previous subsection.

Link to Formal Report Draft: Izabel_DraftFormalReport