Hello, my name is Krystyn Izabel Lopez. I’m a 3rd-standing undergraduate pursing a Combined Major in Science degree in UBC Vancouver. My packages for my degree consist of Computer Science, Physics, and Chemistry.  Although this degree wasn’t my first choice, I’m enjoying the its flexibility of courses and variety of material to learn. I’m still processing what aspects within the Combined Major in Science degree I’m interested in. Currently, I’m leaning towards machine learning and communication science.

My professional interests are still undecided as I have yet to have professional experience through a co-op program or internship. Some job prospects I’m looking at are data analyst and research assistant.

Other interests I have is traveling, video games, and eating out. Some of my favorite places to visit were England, Switzerland, and the Philippines. Some of the video game series I have enjoyed recently were Bioshock, Dishonored, and Horizon. My meals are usually Southeast Asian-based ranging from Filipino to Chinese to Vietnamese.