3333 Brown Road
Richmond, BC V6X 1J8

May 30, 2022

Subject: Writing Teams Position for ENGL 301

Greetings fellow students of ENGL 301,

My name Is Krystyn Izabel Lopez, please call me Izabel. The purpose of my application letter is to introduce myself to you and share my experiences as a valuable member of your writing team. I am a third-year Combined Major in Science undergraduate at the University of British Columbia. My Combined Major in Science has the following packages: Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science.

Throughout my high school years, I was part of the student council committee in charge of planning events and taking notes of what happened during our weekly meetings. In planning events, I learned to assign people to tasks and to keep each other accountable. In taking notes, I learned to schedule a timeline of what materials were needed for events and manage the time from brainstorming to production. I was also part of my church choir, which taught me to listen to other singers and sing as one voice rather than as many voices. These early experiences of communication and organization can be translated to the group expectations of this course.

Throughout my undergraduate experiences, I’ve developed time management skills through zoom meetings and messenger voice calls. My required Science Communication course taught me to schedule meeting times and to set expectations with other groupmates on what tasks should be completed before the due date. To evaluate the strength and weaknesses of my teammates and work with their strengths to get the best final product.

From the experiences mentioned above, I am confident to be a reliable teammate needed for your writing team given my skills in communication and organization. My strengths lie in creating a timeline for assignments and setting due dates for distributed tasks. My weaknesses lie in allowing changes to a set timeline and coming up with creative ideas during brainstorming. My learning philosophy is consistent practice and feedback.

For any inquiries, please use the following email: izabelaugust2000@gmail.com

Kind Regards,
Izabel Lopez

Technical Writing 301/ May 2022

301 Izabel Lopez Application letter