Creating a LinkedIn Profile

Starting a LinkedIn account is overwhelming and uncomfortable as a 4th-year undergraduate. I created a LinkedIn account shortly after attending the Tech Industry Night hosted by the Computer Science Student Society this year. I made my account without prior research on the platform and haven’t explored the features it offers since the event. My current account is not optimized to reach potential companies or employers. The assignment on optimizing a LinkedIn profile taught me the importance of being concise and honest about myself. The assignment also taught me to set an expectation about one’s values and goals before networking with other companies and employers. 

My Formal Report – Proposal, Outline, Progress

As mentioned in my Application Letter, brainstorming and creative thinking are one of my weaknesses during a final paper or project for any course. It’s easier for me to work with a set topic or theme than to make one up on my own. Finding the topic for my Formal Report was challenging given my little to no experience at a workplace or university club. Even now, I’m unsure how my Formal Report will come together by the end of the summer term. Will I get enough participants for my primary data? Will I provide enough meaningful content to make a 12-15 page Formal Report? Will I have enough time to complete a Formal Report that is satisfactory to the instructor and myself?

My Peer Review for my Partner’s Proposal 

Peer reviewing for my partner’s formal report proposal taught me about their passions and experiences. Before reading my partner’s proposal, I was unaware of the additional challenges special health care patients experience with their dental health. My partner’s writing style and attention to detail gave me ideas on how to write for future proposals. My current and future proposals can include the five W’s and one H (ie. What, Where, Why, When, Who, How) in mind. Reading my partner’s proposal was insightful and educational. 

Peer Review Process

From reviewing my team’s writing forum, I learned that my reading and writing needs improvement in time management and a passion for the topic. My work was often rushed with little passion or interest in the topic. Reading my team’s proposals showed me that a topic of great interest can improve the overall writing process of a project or final paper. Their writing encouraged me to focus on my passions and to show that in my work.

Revised Report Proposal 

Peer Review by Hanul Seo