Murdoch Empire Scandal

While it is understandable various companies wish to maximize its’ revenues, the News of the World pushes the limits too far as it authorizes its editors to hack into various phones for information.  However, the company’s most heinous action is tampering with a kidnapped girl’s—Milly Dowler—phone. Not only has the company illegally obtained the information to sensationalize their story, it has also obstructed with justice by deleting phone messages that are probable evidence for the crime. Finally, it has also caused considerable heartache to Milly’s family and friends who have believed that she is still alive at first. Once the scandal has exploded, advertisers withdraw and finally resulted in the closure of the tabloid.

Now saddled with an infamous reputation, the News of the World has lost its branding. Consumers nowadays are not only concerned with the results, but also how a company justly obtains these results. By condoning illegal actions, the company has brought its own ruin as it aggressively pursues greater profit and forgets how its image will be perceived by the public. While revenue is important, companies should encourage sales to be made in an honest way to bolster the reputation of the product.




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