March 27th, 2012.
I was on Google and their Google Doodle captivated my eyes, so I had a click on it.
It lead me to Google search page: (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=f9e1f396f262242a&biw=890&bih=695)
So it is to celebrate the German – American architecture Ludwig Mies van der Rohe whom started with sharp, angular, glasses design of many city, downtown buildings. It was his 126th birthday.
I clicked on Images to look for more of the design:
and then, I randomly selected an image and I was brought to this website:
How did I ended up on this car show page? When my intention was to look at the architecture’s images
Well, what I realised from what I’ve learned in class was Page Index and Keyword Search Engine Optimization. This 3D car page is an great example in demonstrating how they were able to make themselves IDENTIFIED-ABLE, SEARCH-ABLE, VIEW-ABLE for Google search engine spider (Crawler).
1. Include keyword “ludwig-mies-vanpder-rohe” and “2012” in the Title Tag
2. Repeat “ludwig-mies-vanpder-rohe”
3. Positioning website itself by including “Google Doodle” and “ludwig-mies-vanpder-rohe”
4. Create Meta Tag with keyword searchable for crawler
5. Links, links, links !!
So, after all, the SEO table Ivan requested us to work on is very applicable. The true value behind more a popular, visibility, searchable, and accessible of the website lies within the Search Engine Optimization. With the right KEYWORD, TIME (Google’s platform), LOCATION and PUBLICITY (External links), SEO will definitely help with increasing website’s popularity.
This is like the moment of epiphany ! * !! I hope you all will try out, do a random search and see what page you end up in. But most importantly, learn from the other website about how a website can be more searchable with the specific SEO!!