Author Archives: Lotus Yang Ruan

Making a Difference: The EITI project in Mongolia

Jon Brasnett, MAAPPS // Jan 19, 2015

The EITI has been officially implemented in Mongolia since 2010 and has the potential to bring enormous structural, developmental and societal changes to the country. Unlike many other countries plagued with an abundance of natural resources, Mongolia is geographically situated between Russia and China, two major economic and political power houses who have the self-entitled capacity to exploit the resources of other nations. While other countries with natural resources have also suffered the “resource curse” and been exploited by powerful and resource-hungry nations, many of them are geographically located far away from any major power so that the terms of extraction might be negotiated more in the favour of the country being exploited. Because of Mongolia’s location, it is our duty as students of public policy, to ensure that the natural resources, all of which belong to the people of Mongolia, are extracted sustainably and without harming any Mongolians, with the added benefit of increased social service provision by the government through proper taxation of the mining industry.

   Wealthy countries seem to have this idea that their people have grown accustomed to living with certain luxuries (cars, electricity, clean water, precious gems) and therefore deserve to have continued access to these luxuries. For the governments of these countries, this means that they are willing to cut corners in less developed countries to maximize their extraction of these resources, even if cutting corners means allowing for less development and less access to basic necessities for the people of the countries they exploit. In the case of Mongolia, as we see in the Asia Pacific Memo video on EITI implementation there, many of its citizens have been negatively affected by the mining industry. Some nomadic pastoralists have been forced to relocate their herds and homes, other citizens have gone on without living without access to clean water, electricity, education or health services, and those Mongolians who have been given jobs in mines have been forced to sign wavers which remove any blame from the mining company in the event of their deaths on the job. This treatment is unfair, inhumane, and absolutely unacceptable for developed countries who claim to uphold the UN declaration of human rights.
   In this light, I am looking forward to researching the EITI implementation in Mongolia and other countries to see what kind of progress has taken place in recent years. I hope to be able to influence policy in Mongolia, along with my colleagues, to improve the transparency of these companies and the government mining department to ensure that all the money is accounted for. This money can, in turn, go towards funding social services for Mongolian citizens to provide necessities such as clean drinking water, housing, food, as well as important developmental infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, schools and the like. With these improvements to Mongolian society and state, this resource-rich country can make huge strides in their developmental goals and come more in line with other developed countries.

Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Landscapes Canada-Mongolia

 Bérangère Maïa Parizeau, MAAPPS // Jan 18, 2015

I find the unique dynamics between NGOs, different levels of government, other agencies and the public to be fascinating. EITI is a Norwegian NGO registered under the name of The Association for Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative” or “EITI Association” which operates globally.

(Important link: to see all EITI Reports, go to

EITI is a great example of this dynamic policy-making process. The EITI operates as an official mediator for transparency and national public accountability in extractive sectors globally. The United States applies EITI standards and has passed a measure for companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission to disclose how much they pay for natural resources access under the Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The Dodd-Frank financial reform is considered a landmark legislation. The countries of Nigeria and Liberia have EITI standards legislations. In Norway, Ghana and Sierra Leone, mining and petroleum extraction laws include EITI criterions. Why is Canada not a EITI member?

EITI in Canada would contribute to Canadian public debate on natural resource accountability. Considering that Canada has been referred to as the country with the worst environmental performance in the western world, in my opinion this is worrisome. China is not a EITI member. The United States is a member. I’d like to find out why Canada is not a EITI member.

For information on Canada’s embarrassing environmental performance please visit:

As a reference, the above website was brought to my attention by Dr Tzepora Berman, who received an honorary law PhD degree from UBC. Tzeporah is known for her work as the coordinator of one of the largest civil disobedience in Canada’s history, the logging blockades in Clayoquot Sound during which she was arrested and charged with 857 counts of criminal aiding and abetting. Tzeporah was one of the creators and lead negotiators of the Great Bear Rainforest campaign as well as the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. Her work has contributed to the protection of over 40 million hectares of old growth forests.

Chasing Mongolia

Stephanie Zimmerling, MASc Mining Engineering // Jan 15, 2015

I am incredibly excited to be working on the EITI project in Mongolia and it feels like my involvement with this subject has been a long time coming. I completed my undergraduate degree in 2010 and at the time contemplated pursuing my Masters in Mining Engineering focusing on social, socio-economic and environmental impacts. At the time, it seemed everyone I spoke with pointed to Mongolia and the development of the Oyu Tolgoi mine and what it meant for he nomadic culture. I began familiarizing myself with the subject and became fascinated with the culture. I wanted to understand the implications of mining activity on the nomadic culture and the transition of individuals to urban life.
Well… I did not end up pursing my Masters at that time and instead spent the better half of 2 years traveling. I have dabbled in other areas as an engineer, but now find myself right back where I started pursuing a Masters in Mining Engineering at the University of British Columbia. Coincidentally, I even wrote of my knowledge of the implications of mining activity in Mongolia in my Statement of Intent. I wrote of my desire to pursue studies in this area and how “the development of Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia’s Gobi desert is currently changing the landscape of the nomadic culture present in the same area. As this is a new area affected by the development of the mine, I am interested in exploring the extent of the impacts occurring in this region. The intention would be to address issues relating to water management, environmental sustainability and the social issues arising as herders try to transition in a more urban lifestyle. […] I hope to develop a framework and recommendations for addressing Mongolia’s issues.”
My thesis has since morphed into something different, which for the record I am quite happy with, but my desire to contribute to the evolving landscape in Mongolia is ever-present. I could not be MORE excited to be involved with this project. As Debbie highlights below, I have the same flurry of questions and cannot wait to begin answering them.