
About ENGLISH 301

ENGLISH 301 is like a writing bootcamp. Within a four month period, the intensive writing course teaches :

  • The ins and outs of business correspondence (including emails, proposals, and applications)
  • How to collaboratively write an actionable research proposal with peers
  • Strategies for social networking (with a focus on LinkedIn profiles and online resumes)
  • The importance of self-editing and reflecting upon your own work

Students will master these lesson through practice, perfecting provided strategies and writing techniques, and by engaging in peer review with fellow ENGL 301 students.  The course culminates with a finished Formal Report, an Application Package on LinkedIn and a WebFolio on his or hers professionally designed website.

My Expectations

What I’m most excited about learning in ENGLISH 301, is how to create a solid social network and build a professional online presence. I expect to achieve this by strengthening my communication skills with the course’s help, perfecting my LinkedIn profile page with the course’s techniques and strategies,  and applying feedback from my peers. I appreciate the course’s focus on online resumes and LinkedIn profiles as virtual networking has become more and more important. I expect to take full use of the units focusing on building an online social network.